Place cards are an essential for a formal sit down meal. Why you may ask? We all know about some of the low cost airlines where you have to scramble for a seat and end up completely frustrated when you are in Row N and your Partner is in Row T. You then spot some poor person wandering up and down the aisles who can’t seem to find a seat at all. Do you really want this to happen at your wedding, anniversary or birthday dinner?
So, it’s decided, you are going to have place cards. How do you plan how many you need and decide on the style to have?
The numbers are easy. You should have received replies from all those you have invited about a month before the wedding so you can order them based on this quantity. Remember to add around 10% which allows for those last minute guests and for any mistakes you may make if you are handwriting them.
So what style of place card do you want? Some people just want something very plain and formal but many couples want their place cards to coordinate with their other wedding stationery or wedding theme. There are a whole host of styles and colours on the market. You could have place cards which sit on the rim of the glasses – these certainly add to the look of the table décor. You can have place cards printed which create a real wow factor or you can write your own place cards. You can buy blank plain and decorated place cards in a number of designs or if you have some high quality card and a cutter you can make your own.
If you are writing your own place cards do so with a good quality pen, write clearly and neatly to give a polished look. On the evening prior to your wedding or other special occasion hand the place cards with the seating plan to the wedding coordinator at your venue or ask a friend or relative to put them on the tables on the morning of the wedding if you are doing all the decorations yourself.
Look here for our range of place cards for all occasions
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